Hi, I’m Anna.
the founder of conscious career creators.

I AM Your non-traditional + unconventional career guide and mentor.

I am a 2/4 Splenic Projector.

Aries Sun, Gemini Moon & Cancer Rising.

With my sun in Aries in the 10th house, I’ve always been focused on ‘careering’ in some capacity. Although spending the majority of my own career as a Project or Production Manager, I always had a knack for recognizing the talents in others. I longed for work in casting, recruiting, HR, or as a guidance counsellor, but instead I usually ended up being a mentor for my coworkers or giving career advice to my friends. 

After a life-changing 2019, I found Human Design and I finally understood why my soul had been longing for this. As a Projector, with the sun in the 10th house, it makes sense that I am finally a guidance counsellor, but in my own way. I’ve created a new way of ‘career coaching’ (how very Aries of me). 

Having worked as a Purpose & Career Guide in the online space for 3 years, I saw how people struggled with their sense of purpose, who they truly were and what they wanted to do for a living. I wanted to create a hub and a community for all things career and work-life balance, where everyone can find the support and inspiration to make a career transition or to start a strength-led soul business.

My work is a combination of Human Design, Astrology, the Gene Keys and the vast amount of career and personal development tools I myself have tried and collected over the years in my own journey. Through my own experience with burnout I also know the importance of having a work-life balance that supports your needs and lifestyle. I am happy to say I have my dream career, a life that I have chosen. I know it’s possible for you too. 


  • Studying and practicing Astrology since 2016, Human Design since 2020, and the Gene Keys since 2021

  • BA in Media & Communication Studies at Baruch College in New York, NY

  • Journalism Studies at Poppius School of Journalism in Stockholm, Sweden 

  • Mentor with the Stella Foundation

  • 15+ years work experience in entertainment, music, film, PR, marketing, fashion, and beauty 

  • Reiki Level I + II

  • Yin Yoga Teacher Training