I was told not to talk about purpose. Here’s why I didn’t listen.

When I first started my business in 2021 my plan was to ‘just’ be a Human Design reader. I had fallen in love with the system and had no specific niche in mind.

Very early on though, I felt drawn towards a purpose angle. Probably because purpose is what I had found through this system. I finally understood parts of me that I had kept hidden for so many years.

I remember the shift. I had been to lunch with a friend whose boyfriend was going through a career transition and I was giving them advice when I felt an intuitive (splenic) hit saying this is what I want to focus on - purpose and career. Ever since then this has felt 1000% right for me.

But over the years, friends and acquaintances have kindly advised me against talking about purpose. They’ve told me that it’s a topic that feels overwhelming to people, that it’s hard to grasp or pinpoint, that it’s too vague or too vast of a subject. I often found myself doubting my niche, doubting my message. What if they were right?

But here’s the thing (and I feel like I keep repeating myself):

The things we are drawn towards are not random.

Not only has purpose and career 1) felt right for me, it’s also 2) something I have been naturally good at, friends have always come to me for career advice, and 3) it’s actually all over my charts that this is something I am meant to be doing.

So. My point is this, trust your nudges, trust what feels right to you. Follow your path. Stick to your message.

The people who told me not to talk about purpose are probably not looking for their purpose anyway. But I know a lot of people are. I know this because I meet you in my sessions, I meet you in my workshops. I meet people who are rediscovering who they are and feeling a sense of relief and a sense of new direction once they understand their purpose.

As a Projector whose signature theme is success, there is no better feeling than seeing a client feeling validated in who they are. That makes me feel successful 🩷

If you are ready to understand your purpose and discover who you are, my new course The Purpose Journey is now open for enrollment.


The Moon and your Purpose


The real reason you haven’t figured out your purpose yet