Your soul always knows where it wants to go

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again - the things we are drawn towards are not random. Why? Because our soul always knows where it wants to go.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved creativity and communication of all sorts. As a kid I wrote my own stories, created “books” and magazines, pretended I had my own radio show that I recorded on my tape recorder (yes this was a long time ago). In college I studied media, communication, journalism, and creative writing.

Ironically, I never got to work with any of this. Life had other plans, I ended up working as a Project Manager for the majority of my career. But my creative passions always lingered in the background and made appearances. For instance, at my previous job in the beauty industry, I randomly ended up starting an internal newsletter promoting our products. What started as a fun thing for a few coworkers turned into a newsletter that reached over 500 employees. I had so much fun with that newsletter even though I really had zero desire to become a beauty blogger. It was the creative outlet that was the thing for me.

Now, fast forward a few years and I’m finally in a place where I get to do all these things and call it a career. I write (👋), I have my own ‘radio show’ (the podcast), and I have plans to expand these creative outlets even more. It all feels like a homecoming and it’s all because this is what my soul genuinely craves 🩷.

So I encourage you to reflect on your soul and what it’s craving? What nudges has it given you throughout life? Looking back, what has your soul been calling you towards? What type of things have you truly enjoyed? What places have you felt called to visit?


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